Accordion T-shirts

Posted by January 5th, 2009 No Comments »

2228830-1-accordion-brownBe the first kid on your block to own this magnificent accordion T-shirt, you’ll be the stud of the neighbourhood. When you wear this outstanding designer attire you’ll hardly be able to keep your hands off yourself and neither will the ladies. Little Janice from across the street will be all like “Wow, you look hot today. Why are you tweaking your own nipples?â€
and you’ll be all like “Huh, oh I’m not tweaking my nipples, I’m playing my accordion T-shirt.â€
Then Janice will be all like “Hey yeah, you do have an accordion on your shirt, that’s hot. Do want to go out for ice cream and then maybe later we can hold hands.â€
and then you’ll be all like “Why yes Janice, yes I would like that very much.â€

Get it at RedBubble

2228844-1-accordion-blue Blue print also available

Unibot mk001

Posted by January 4th, 2009 No Comments »

unibot_mk001Designed by boffins to be the greatest ever mono wheeled robot in existence the Unibot mk001 was an epic failure. The mk001 would often fall over due to dodgy gyro stabilizers, especially at low speeds. It also had a nasty habit of disembowelling anyone within a 5 metre radius, but my it was damn fine looking bit of gear. Just look at the way its outer chassis catches the light.. breathtaking isn’t it.

T-shirt available at RedBubble.


Posted by January 2nd, 2009 No Comments »


Hey kids, it a zombie T-shirt! Who doesn’t like zombies? I’ll tell ya, filthy pinko, hippy commie terrorists, that’s who. Are you a filthy stinking hippy pinko? Of course you aren’t, so buy this shirt – do it now, don’t think about it, do it! Thinking is for wusses and fruit cakes. You don’t want the other kids to call you wuss now do ya? Be one of the cool kids, all the cool kids who love their country have a zombie t-shirt. Buy one today at RedBubble